Civil War Markers and Memorials

Across the state of Arkansas, many markers and memorials commemorate the events of the Civil War. Some are located at or near the locations of significant events of the war, while others are located near county courthouses or in cemeteries. Some markers and monuments remain well-maintained, while others have disintegrated due to neglect and vandalism. In some cases, damaged markers and memorials have been replaced, and some monuments have been removed or relocated.

Most of the earliest memorials were established in cemeteries where Civil War soldiers are buried. These cemetery markers can be found in Fayetteville (Washington County), Little Rock (Pulaski County), and Camden (Ouachita County), as well as other places. Other early markers of Civil War events were placed in Helena (Phillips County) and Pea Ridge (Benton County) because of the major battles fought in those places. Many of the state’s Civil War markers and memorials were placed on anniversaries of important events, including the fiftieth and 100th anniversaries of the Civil War and its military engagements, the centennial celebration of the state of Arkansas in 1936, and the bicentennial celebration of the United States in 1976. Even in the twenty-first century, further markers and memorials continue to be established and dedicated. In 2010, the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission began placing specially designated markers throughout the state.

The following chart includes battlefield markers, memorials, monuments, cemeteries containing significant Civil War burials, and museums possessing Civil War artifacts and information. Every attempt has been made to be complete while avoiding duplication of entries. Locations or events listed more than once on this chart are the result of multiple markers placed at different times to commemorate the events of the Civil War. Vandalism and natural events sometimes damage or destroy markers and memorials, and new markers and memorials are still being created every year. Alternate spellings of place names and non-standard identification of events (such as calling engagements or skirmishes “battles”) reflect the words inscribed on the monuments or markers.

A large number of groups participate in the commemoration of Civil War events and in dedicating and maintaining markers and memorials of the war. National and state groups, such as branches of the National Park Service and of the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, are examples of such organizations. County and city historical societies also provide such services, as do veterans’ organizations and societies consisting of the descendants of soldiers, including the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the Sons of Union Veterans, and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Often, dedications of markers consist of brief ceremonies, but they sometimes include picnics, celebrations, and even historic reenactments. Some locations also feature similar events annually, either on the anniversary of the events commemorated or on holidays such as Memorial Day.

In the early twenty-first century, Confederate monuments became a flashpoint of cultural contention, especially in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement. Those supporting the removal of Confederate monuments from the public square noted that many such monuments were installed as part of a backlash against the civil rights movement of the twentieth century. In Arkansas, the charge that such monuments distorted local history frequently referenced the Bentonville Confederate Monument, located in a part of the state known for its Unionist leanings during the Civil War, and the Hot Springs Confederate Monument, located at the exact site of two public lynchings in the city. However, heritage groups such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans regularly spoke up in defense of the monuments, and Republican Party leaders in Arkansas and across the South worked to pass laws that would hinder any locality from removing such monuments. For example, in 2019, state Senator Mark Johnson produced SB 515, the “Arkansas Heritage Protection Act,” which would have mandated the preservation of monuments, located on public property, that commemorate several military conflicts, including the Civil War. The bill failed to pass, but in 2021 Sen. Johnson put forward the similar SB 553, which passed the Senate on April 6, 2021, and the House on April 20, 2021.

County City or Nearest City Memorial Name Date of Event When Placed / Removed
Arkansas Crockett’s Bluff Crockett’s Bluff Marker
Arkansas DeWitt Fort Hindman / Arkansas Post January 10 & 11, 1863 May 3, 1963
Arkansas Gillett Arkansas Post National Memorial January 11, 1863
Arkansas Gillett Battle of Arkansas Post January 11, 1863 2010
Arkansas Gillett The Story and Battle of Arkansas Post January 11, 1863
Arkansas St. Charles St. Charles Battle Monument June 17, 1862 December 2, 1974
Arkansas Stuttgart Camp Mitchell August–September 1862 2007
Ashley Hamburg Third Arkansas Infantry Regiment / Ashley County in the Civil War 2015
Ashley Longview Skirmish at Longview March 29, 1864 2003
Baxter Mountain Home Skirmish near Mountain Home October 17, 1862 2013
Benton Avoca Dunagin’s Farm 1962
Benton Bentonville Bentonville Confederate Monument August 8, 1908; removed September 2, 2020
Benton Bentonville Camp Stephens July 1861 1962
Benton Bentonville Eagle Hotel March 6, 1862 1962
Benton Bentonville Potts Hill February 17, 1862 1962
Benton Bentonville Sigel’s troops’ route to Pea Ridge March 1862 February 26, 2007
Benton Centerton McKissick Springs 5-Mar-62
Benton Elm Springs Elm Springs March 5, 1862 1962
Benton Garfield United States Army Headquarters 1862 1935
Benton Gentry Grand Army of the Republic Monument 1918
Benton Little Flock Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church July 1861
Benton Lowell Cross Hollow July 1863 May 18, 2006
Benton Lowell Mudtown December 9, 1862; August 24, 1864 2015
Benton Maysville Battle of Maysville October 22, 1862 1962
Benton Maysville Camp Jackson 1861 2015
Benton Maysville Camp Walker June 1861
Benton Pea Ridge Elkhorn Tavern March 7–8, 1862 1887 & 1889
Benton Pea Ridge Pea Ridge National Military Park March 7–8, 1862
Benton Pea Ridge Pea Ridge: The Story and Battle of Pea Ridge March 7–8, 1862
Benton Pea Ridge Sons of Texas who Served at Elkhorn Tavern March 7–8, 1862 1964
Benton Rogers Camp Halleck at Osage Springs 2013
Benton Rogers Van Winkle’s Mill
Benton Siloam Springs Civil War Veterans Memorial
Benton Siloam Springs Grand Army of the Republic Monument 1928
Benton Tontitown Elm Springs March 5, 1862
Benton War Eagle Mills War Eagle Mills March 8, 1862
Boone Harrison Boone County Heritage Museum
Boone Harrison Boone County in the Civil War 2011
Boone Harrison Confederate Veterans Memorial April 6, 1986
Boone Harrison Skirmish at Rolling Prairie January 23, 1864 2012
Boone Lead Hill 14th Arkansas Infantry Regiment 2012
Bradley Warren Bradley County Troops 2015
Calhoun Hampton Calhoun County in the Civil War 2015
Carroll Berryville Berryville in the Civil War 2011
Carroll Eureka Springs Civil War Healing 2011
Carroll Eureka Springs First Arkansas Cavalry
Carroll Green Forest Skirmish at Yocum Creek November 15, 1862 2011
Chicot Lake Village Engagement at Ditch Bayou June 6, 1864
Chicot Lake Village John Sanders House Marker
Chicot Lake Village Lake Chicot State Park
Chicot Lake Village Lake Village Confederate Monument 1910
Chicot Shives Lakeport Plantation in the Civil War
Clark Arkadelphia Arkadelphia Confederate Monument May 11, 1911
Clark Arkadelphia Clark County in the Civil War 2013
Clark Okolona Skirmish near Okolona / Skirmish near Elkins’ Ferry April 2-4, 1864 2015
Clay St. Francis Chalk Bluff Battlefield May 1-2, 1863
Clay St. Francis Chalk Bluff in the Civil War 2010
Cleburne Cleburne County in the Civil War 2012
Cleveland New Edinburg Battle at Marks’ Mill April 25, 1864 1936
Cleveland New Edinburg Confederate Captain Richard Tunball Banks Monument April 25, 1864
Cleveland New Edinburg Honor Roll, Battle at Marks’ Mill April 25, 1864 2003
Cleveland New Edinburg Marks’ Mill Battlefield Park April 25, 1864
Cleveland New Edinburg Marks’ Mill Cemetery Park
Cleveland New Edinburg Marks’ Mills
Cleveland Rison Mount Elba battlefield November 13, 1863
Columbia Magnolia Gen. John Porter McCown 2011
Columbia Magnolia Magnolia Cemetery
Conway Morrilton Lewisburg in the Civil War 2015
Conway Plumerville Conway County in the Civil War / Murder of John Clayton 2015
Craighead Jonesboro Arkansas State University Museum
Craighead Jonesboro Last Confederate Veteran 18-Sep-52 2015
Craighead Jonesboro The Battle of Jonesboro August 2, 1862 August 2, 1997
Craighead Jonesboro Troops Raised in Craighead County 2015
Crawford Cedarville Dripping Springs December 28, 1862
Crawford Van Buren Battle of Van Buren December 28, 1862
Crawford Van Buren Fairview Cemetery, Confederate Section
Crawford Van Buren Van Buren Confederate Monument
Crawford Van Buren Van Buren Raid December 28, 1864 2015
Crittenden Marion Loss of the Sultana April 27, 1865 April 1, 2000
Crittenden Marion Sinking of the Sultana April 27, 1865 2013
Cross Wittsburg Wittsburg in the Civil War 2012
Dallas Fordyce Road to Marks’ Mills / Battle at Marks’ Mills April 25, 1864 2015
Dallas Leola Skirmish at Guesses Creek April 29, 1864 2015
Dallas Tulip Tulip Military Academy 2012
Desha Kelso Skirmish at Ames Bayou 2013
Drew Monticello Drew County Troops
Drew Monticello Monticello Confederate Monument 1914
Faulkner Conway Cadron in the Civil War
Faulkner Conway Conway Confederate Monument 1925
Faulkner Conway Faulkner County in the Civil War
Franklin Ozark Camp Bragg
Franklin Ozark Camp McIntosh
Franklin Ozark Civil War Memorial
Franklin Ozark Skirmishes at Roseville March 29 & April 4, 1864 2015
Fulton Mammoth Spring Battle of Salem / Fulton County in the Civil War
Fulton Salem Battle of Salem March 11, 1862
Fulton Salem Confederate Monument
Garland Hot Springs Confederate State Capital July 2–14, 1862
Garland Hot Springs Hollywood Cemetery Confederate Section
Garland Hot Springs Hot Springs Confederate Monument 1934
Garland Hot Springs Skirmish at Farr’s Mill July 5, 1864 2015
Grant Leola Confederate Headquarters / Confederate Flank Attack April 29, 1864 2015
Grant Leola Fields of Battle / Price of War April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Leola General Samuel Rice / Confederate Cannons Captured April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Leola Jenkins’ Ferry / Pontoon Bridge April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Leola Officers Killed / Union Wounded April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Leola Supplies Destroyed / Refugee Children April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Leola/Prattsville Battle at Jenkins’ Ferry April 30, 1864 September 19, 1928
Grant Leola/Prattsville Jenkins’ Ferry State Park April 30, 1864
Grant Prattsville Clash at Whitten’s Mill April 30, 1864 2015
Grant Sheridan Battle of Jenkins’ Ferry April 29–30, 1864 2013
Grant Sheridan Grant County Museum
Greene Marmaduke John Sappington Marmaduke 2005
Greene Paragould Fifth Arkansas Infantry Regiment 2013
Hempstead Spring Hill Dooley’s Ferry / Dooley’s Hill Cemetery 2015
Hempstead Washington Confederate Masonic Memorial 1963
Hempstead Washington Confederate State Capital 1863–1865 2015
Hempstead Washington Confederate State Capitol
Hempstead Washington Grandison D. Royston House
Hempstead Washington Hempstead County in the Civil War 2015
Hempstead Washington Washington Confederate Monument 1888
Hot Spring Malvern Bridging the Ouachita River March 27, 1864 2015
Howard Center Point Center Point 1963
Howard Center Point Howard County in the Civil War 2015
Independence Batesville Batesville Confederate Monument 1907
Independence Batesville Batesville in the Civil War 2011
Independence Batesville Camp Shelby
Independence Batesville Old Independence Regional Museum
Independence Cushman Confederate Saltpeter Mine
Izard Calico Rock Calico Rock in the Civil War 1862-1864 2015
Izard LaCrosse Wild Haws in the Civil War
Izard Lunenburg Skirmish at Lunenburg January 20, 1864 May 16, 2010
Izard Mount Olive Mount Olive in the Civil War
Jackson Jacksonport Jackson County Confederate Memorial
Jackson Jacksonport Jackson Guards May 5, 1861
Jackson Jacksonport Jacksonport Court House 1863
Jackson Jacksonport Jacksonport State Park
Jackson Jacksonport Shelling of Jacksonport June 2, 1862 2013
Jackson Jacksonport Surrender at Jacksonport June 9, 1865 1965
Jefferson Pine Bluff Battle of Pine Bluff October 25, 1863 1976
Jefferson Pine Bluff Battle of Pine Bluff October 25, 1863 1978
Jefferson Pine Bluff Boone-Murphy House 2012
Jefferson Pine Bluff Camp White Sulphur Springs Confederate Cemetery
Jefferson Pine Bluff Confederate Memorial at Bellwood Cemetery 1917
Jefferson Pine Bluff David O. Dodd Memorial
Jefferson Pine Bluff First Indiana Cavalry and Fifth Kansas Cavalry Monuments
Jefferson Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Confederate Monument 1910
Johnson Clarksville Clarksville Confederate Monument
Johnson Clarksville Clarksville in the Civil War / Depredations 2015
Lafayette Stamps Pioneering Legislators 2015
Lawrence Smithville Confederate War Memorial
Lawrence Smithville Seventh Arkansas Infantry Muster Site 1996
Lawrence Smithville Skirmish near Smithville June 17, 1862 2015
Lawrence Smithville The Civil War in Lawrence County / Skirmishes in Lawrence County 2015
Lee Marianna Robert E. Lee Monument
Lee Moro Moro in the Civil War 2012
Lincoln Star City Skirmish at Branchville January 19, 1864 2013
Lincoln Star City Star City Confederate Monument 1926
Lincoln Tyro The Orphan Company
Little River Richmond Richmond in the Civil War 2012
Logan Paris Skirmish at Haguewood Prairie September 27, 1863 2012
Lonoke Austin Austin in the Civil War June 29, 1861; August 24, 1864; August 1, 1868 2015
Lonoke Brownsville Battle of Brownsville September 16, 1863 1986
Lonoke Cabot Camp Nelson Confederate Cemetery 1905
Lonoke Carlisle Battle of Ashley’s Station
Lonoke Lonoke Hicks’ Station April 30, 1861 2011
Lonoke Lonoke Hindman Memorial
Lonoke Lonoke Lonoke Confederate Monument 1910
Lonoke Scott Ashley Mills interpretive panel September 7, 1863
Lonoke Scott River Crossing interpretive panel
Madison Huntsville Huntsville Massacre January 10, 1863 2013
Madison Huntsville Isaac Murphy 2013
Marion Yellville Yellville in the Civil War 2012
Miller Rondo Confederate Records Moved to Rondo 2010
Miller Texarkana Confederate Memorial
Mississippi Blytheville Confederate War Memorial 1934
Mississippi Etowah Fighting near Etowah 2010
Mississippi Osceola Skirmish at Osceola August 2, 1864 2010
Monroe Clarendon Battle of Clarendon June 26, 1864 June 24, 2000
Monroe Clarendon Clarendon in the Civil War 2013
Monroe Clarendon Sinking of the USS Queen City June 24, 1864
Montgomery Mount Ida Civil War in Montgomery County 2015
Nevada Prescott Action at Moscow / Moscow Church and Cemetery April 13, 1864 2015
Nevada Prescott Confederate War Memorial November 11, 1969
Nevada Prescott Elkin’s Ferry Battlefield April 3–4, 1864
Nevada Prescott Elkins’ Ferry / Cornelius Farm 2012
Nevada Prescott Prairie D’Ane 2012
Nevada Prescott Prairie De Ann Battlefield April 9–12, 1864
Newton Erelbe Parker-Hickman Farm Historic District
Newton Jasper Newton County in the Civil War / Newton County Civil War Troops 2015
Newton Marshall Buffalo National River Civil War Heritage Trail
Ouachita Bluff City White Oak State Park
Ouachita Camden Camden Confederate Monument 1914
Ouachita Camden Camden Water Battery 2007
Ouachita Camden First Kansas Colored Infantry 2011
Ouachita Camden Fort Diamond 2005
Ouachita Camden Fort Lookout 2005
Ouachita Camden Fort Southerland Park 1861–1864 2006
Ouachita Camden McCollum-Chidester House Museum
Ouachita Camden Oakland Cemetery, Confederate Section 1886
Ouachita Camden Redoubt B  2005
Ouachita Camden Tate’s Bluff in the Civil War 2010
Ouachita Chidester Engagement at Poison Spring April 18, 1864 1944
Ouachita Chidester Poison Spring Battlefield April 18, 1864 1936
Ouachita Chidester Poison Spring State Park 1969
Perry Perryville Perry County in the Civil War 2014
Phillips Helena-West Helena Battery A July 4, 1863
Phillips Helena-West Helena Battery B July 4, 1863 1936
Phillips Helena-West Helena Battery C July 4, 1863
Phillips Helena-West Helena Battery D July 4, 1863 1936
Phillips Helena-West Helena Battle of Helena Battlefield July 4, 1863
Phillips Helena-West Helena Confederate Cemetery at Maple Hill
Phillips Helena-West Helena Delta Cultural Center 1990
Phillips Helena-West Helena Fort Curtis July 4, 1863 1936
Phillips Helena-West Helena Fort Curtis July 4, 1863 1963
Phillips Helena-West Helena General Fagan’s Attack 1936
Phillips Helena-West Helena Helena Confederate Monument 1869
Phillips Helena-West Helena Lick Creek Skirmish
Phillips Helena-West Helena Seven Confederate Generals 2013
Phillips Helena-West Helena U.S.C.T. in Helena 2013
Pike Murfreesboro Royston Factory Mill / Henry Merrell 2013
Poinsett Poinsett County in the Civil War 2014
Poinsett Lepanto Lepanto USA Museum
Polk Mena Polk County in the Civil War 2015
Pope Dover Record Cave
Pope Pottsville Potts Family in the Civil War 2015
Pope Russellville Confederate Mothers Memorial Park
Pope Russellville Pope County in the Civil War / Pope County Militia War 2015
Prairie DeValls Bluff DeValls Bluff in the Civil War 2010
Prairie DeValls Bluff Memphis to Little Rock Railroad 2012
Pulaski Jacksonville Battle of Reed’s Bridge August 27, 1863 1976
Pulaski Jacksonville Battle of Reed’s Bridge August 27, 1863 February 2, 2011
Pulaski Jacksonville Bayou Meto Hornets
Pulaski Jacksonville Confederates at Bayou Meto 1863 2015
Pulaski Jacksonville Jacksonville Museum of Military History
Pulaski Jacksonville Marmaduke-Walker Duel September 6, 1863 2015
Pulaski Little Rock 640 Confederate Soldiers 1884
Pulaski Little Rock Arkansans at the Battle of New Market May 15, 1864 2015
Pulaski Little Rock Arsenal Crisis February 12, 1861 February 10, 2010
Pulaski Little Rock Ashley’s Mills September 7, 1863
Pulaski Little Rock Battle of Little Rock September 10, 1863 1988
Pulaski Little Rock Battle of Little Rock interpretive panel September 10, 1863
Pulaski Little Rock Bayou Fourche Battle interpretive panel September 10, 1863
Pulaski Little Rock Bayou Fourche Engagement September 10, 1863
Pulaski Little Rock Camden Expedition March 23 to May 3, 1864 2014
Pulaski Little Rock Capital Guards Memorial May 17, 1911; removed June 18, 2020
Pulaski Little Rock Children of the Confederacy
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Bench October 1, 1936
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Headquarters 1863 1935
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Last Stand September 11, 1863 October 15, 1929
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Memorial—Little Rock National Cemetery 1913
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Memorials—Arkansas State Capitol
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Soldiers Monument 1905
Pulaski Little Rock Confederate Soldiers’ Home
Pulaski Little Rock David O. Dodd Execution Site January 8, 1864 1926
Pulaski Little Rock David O. Dodd Memorial January 8, 1864 1923
Pulaski Little Rock Engagement at Fourche Bayou September 10, 1863 2004
Pulaski Little Rock Fort Steele 2013
Pulaski Little Rock General Sterling Price Headquarters 1935
Pulaski Little Rock General Thomas J. Churchill Memorial 1928
Pulaski Little Rock General William Read Scurry Memorial 1928
Pulaski Little Rock Last Stand in Little Rock Campaign September 11, 1863 October 15, 1929
Pulaski Little Rock Little Rock Confederate Memorial 1914
Pulaski Little Rock Little Rock National Cemetery
Pulaski Little Rock MacArthur Museum of Military History / Little Rock Arsenal
Pulaski Little Rock Minnesota Civil War Memorial 1916
Pulaski Little Rock Monument to Confederate Women 1913
Pulaski Little Rock Mount Holly Cemetery
Pulaski Little Rock Old State House 1861–1865
Pulaski Little Rock Old State House Confederate Memorial
Pulaski Little Rock Pike-Fletcher-Terry House
Pulaski Little Rock Southern Soldiers Memorial
Pulaski Little Rock Ten Mile House
Pulaski Little Rock The Fall of Little Rock September 10, 1863
Pulaski Little Rock The Little Rock Campaign Tour
Pulaski Little Rock U.S. Colored Troops in Arkansas/First and Second Kansas Colored Infantry February 22, 2025
Pulaski Little Rock U.S. General Hospital
Pulaski North Little Rock Camp Crystal Hill
Pulaski North Little Rock Confederate Fortifications 1863 2012
Pulaski North Little Rock CSS Pontchartrain 2012
Pulaski North Little Rock Huntersville 2012
Pulaski North Little Rock Marmaduke-Walker Duel Site interpretive panel September 6, 1863
Pulaski, Lonoke Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, Scott, Brownsville Little Rock Campaign Interpretive Panels
Randolph Pocahontas Camp Shaver 1862-1864 2015
Randolph Pocahontas Capture of “Missouri Swamp Fox August 22, 1863 2015
Randolph Pocahontas Civil War Timeline 1861–1862 2006
Randolph Pocahontas Civil War Timeline 1863–1865 2006
Randolph Pocahontas General Sterling Price’s Invasion of Missouri August 1864 2006
Randolph Pocahontas Pocahontas Civil War River Walk Memorial 2006
Randolph Pocahontas Randolph County in the War Between the States September 23, 2006
Randolph Supply Pitman’s Ferry October 27, 1862 1963
Saline Benton 11th Arkansas Infantry Regiment
Saline Benton Battle of Hurricane Creek October 23, 1864 1976
Saline Benton Confederate Veterans’ Memorial
Saline Benton John F. Shoppach House 1861–1863
Saline Benton Removal of County Records
Saline Benton Saline County in the Civil War
Saline Benton William Ayers Crawford / George M. Holt 2015
Scott Waldron Scott County in the Civil War 2013
Searcy Marshall Arkansas Peace Society / Raids on Burrowsville 1861 2010
Searcy St. Joe Skirmish at Tomahawk January 22, 1864 2010
Searcy Witts Springs Marmaduke’s Missouri Raid / Skirmish at Witts Springs January 2, 1863 2015
Sebastian Fort Smith Confederate and Union Occupation of Forth Smith 2011
Sebastian Fort Smith Forest Park Confederate Memorial and Graves 1961
Sebastian Fort Smith Fort Smith Confederate Memorial 1903
Sebastian Fort Smith Fort Smith National Cemetery
Sebastian Fort Smith Fort Smith National Historic Site
Sebastian Fort Smith Jefferson Davis Memorial 1937
Sebastian Fort Smith Massard Prairie Battlefield July 27, 1864 1976
Sebastian Fort Smith Oak Cemetery—Confederate Soldier Sculpture
Sebastian Greenwood Action at Devil’s Backbone September 1, 1863 1976
Sebastian Jenny Lind Action at Devil’s Backbone September 1, 1863
Sevier Belleville Sevier County in the Civil War 2015
Sharp Evening Shade Ephraim Sharp / Sharp County in the Civil War 2015
St. Francis Colt Military Road Marker
St. Francis Colt Taylor’s Creek and Mount Vernon
St. Francis Forrest City St. Francis County in the War Between the States 1936
St. Francis Madison Madison in the Civil War
Stone Skirmishes at Sylamore and Kickapoo Bottoms May 29, 1862 2014
Stone Stone County in the Civil War 2014
Stone St. James St. James or Buckthorn Marker
Union El Dorado El Dorado Confederate Memorial 1909
Union Mount Holly Mount Holly Cemetery 2011
Van Buren Clinton Civil War in Van Buren County 2011
Washington Cane Hill Cane Hill Battlefield November 28, 1862 1962
Washington Cane Hill Cane Hill Cemetery
Washington Elm Springs Camp at Elm Springs 1861–1864 2015
Washington Fayetteville Fayetteville Confederate Cemetery 1872
Washington Fayetteville Fayetteville National Cemetery
Washington Fayetteville Headquarters House April 18, 1863 1963
Washington Fayetteville Judge David Walker 2013
Washington Fayetteville Mount Comfort in the Civil War 2014
Washington Fayetteville Site of Civil War Arsenal 2000
Washington Fayetteville This corner… April 18, 1863 1928
Washington Johnson Mill Burning in Northwest Arkansas 2012
Washington Prairie Grove Borden House / Legacy of Prairie Grove 2011
Washington Prairie Grove Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park December 7, 1862
Washington Prairie Grove Shaver Headquarters December 7, 1862 June 20, 1932
Washington Springdale Holcomb’s Spring in the Civil War 2012
White Bald Knob Destruction of Saltworks 2011
White Bradford Henry Morris House
White Doniphan Action at Whitney’s Lane marker May 19, 1862 October 24, 2010
White Gum Springs Action at Des Arc Bayou July 14, 1864 2012
White Judsonia Grand Army of the Republic Monument 1894
White Searcy General Dandridge McRae 2012
White Searcy Searcy Confederate Monument 1917
White Searcy Searcy Landing in the Civil War 2012
White West Point Naval Combat at West Point 2012
White West Point West Point interpretive panel
Woodruff Augusta Action at Fitzhugh’s Woods April 1, 1864 2013
Woodruff Cotton Plant Action at Cotton Plant July 7, 1862 2011
Woodruff Cotton Plant Battle of Cache River (Battle of Cotton Plant) May 28, 1862
Yell Dardanelle Action at Dardanelle January 14, 1865 2010
Yell Dardanelle Dardanelle Confederate Monument 1921
Yell Mt. George Bogg’s Mill January 24, 1865

For additional information:
Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission. (accessed April 3, 2023).

Platt, Ainsley. “Marker for Black Soldiers Dedicated.” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, February 23, 2025, pp. 1B, 4B. Online at (accessed February 24, 2025).

Porter, Walter Wright. “Place, Memory, and the Civil War: Historic Memory and the Mechanisms of Interpretation at Civil War Sites in Arkansas.” PhD diss., Arkansas State University, 2016.

Simpson, Stephen. “Monument Law Raises Questions.” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, February 14, 2022, pp. 1B, 2B. Online at (accessed April 3, 2023).

Steed, Stephen. “Statues Fall, Raising Fresh Debate.” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, June 21, 2020, pp. 1A, 6A–7A.

Towns, W. Stuart. Arkansas Civil War Heritage: A Legacy of Honor. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2013.

Wickline, Michael R. “Measure to Protect Monuments Gets Senate Salute.” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, April 7, 2021, p. 4A.

Staff of the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas


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