
By 2007, a cumulative 4,119 Arkansans had been diagnosed with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the d...
aka: Tapeworms
Cestodes (tapeworms) include flatworms belonging to the phylum Plat...
Cholera, a deadly, infectious gastrointestinal disease that usually spreads through contaminated water, is an ...
Coccidians are microorganisms belonging to the Phylum Apicomplexa and Suborder Eimeriorina, which includes eig...
Diphtheria is a serious contagious disease caused by toxin-producing strains of the bacteria Corynebacterium d...
Flu Epidemic of 1918
aka: Influenza Epidemic of 1918
A deadly influenza outbreak began in 1918 and spread around the wor...
Hookworm Eradication
Hookworm disease was a significant public health issue in Arkansas until the movement to eradicate hookworms i...
Hot Springs Smallpox Outbreak of 1895
In the early months of 1895, Hot Springs (Garland County) suffered through a blizzard, numerous fires, and a s...
Human Dissection Monument
The first human dissection performed in Arkansas is commemorated by an obelisk located at the edge of MacArthu...
Malaria is a serious infectious disease caused by a single-celled parasite known as a plasmodium, which is gen...
Pellagra is a form of malnutrition caused by a severe deficiency of niacin (also known as nicotinic acid or v...
aka: Whooping Cough
Pertussis or “whooping cough” is an acute infectious disease ca...
The poliovirus terrorized the United States for many years, and Arkansas was no exception. Infection with the ...
Rabies, a viral disease that attacks the body’s central nervous system, causes convulsions, hallucinations, ...
Rubella or “German measles” is a contagious disease caused by a virus of the genus rubivirus, which is ide...
Smallpox is an infectious disease characterized by the formation of a rash and blisters across the face and ex...
Tickborne Diseases
Ticks are a very specific cosmopolitan collection of obligate, haematophagous, ectoparasitic arthropods of ver...
Tuberculosis (also known as consumption) is a contagious, potentially fatal bacterial infection that mainly af...
Typhoid is among the earliest diseases reported in Arkansas and was a significant public health problem up thr...
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus (WNV) is an arthropod-borne, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA flavivirus (family Flavivirid...
Worms [Medical Condition], Traditional Remedies
aka: Intestinal Parasites
Well into the twentieth century, it was believed that all children ...
Yellow Fever
In 1878 and 1879, Southern cities such as Memphis, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, were devastated by e...