Crafts & Decorative Arts

Arkansas Bluebird of Happiness
aka: Bluebird of Happiness
The original Arkansas Bluebird of Happiness was created by Leo Ward...
Arkansas Craft Guild
The Arkansas Craft Guild, a cooperative of Arkansas craft artisans, seeks to promote excellence in both tradit...
Basket making is the process of interlacing short flexible fibers to form a container using a process of coili...
James Black (1800–1872)
James Black, popularly known as the maker of the bowie knife, was one of the early pioneers of Arkansas and se...
Bowie Knife
The bowie knife, made popular in the 1830s, has evolved into a specific form in current use. The bowie knife w...
Joseph Aloysius Bruhin (1953–)
Ceramic artist Joseph Aloysius Bruhin III of Fox (Stone County) was awarded the Arkansas Arts Council Fellowsh...
Dallas Bump (1918–2016)
Dallas Bump of Royal (Garland County) was a fourth-generation chair maker who constructed handcrafted furnitur...
Camark Pottery
Founded in 1926, Camden Art Tile and Pottery Company was the third and last producer of Art Pottery in Arkansa...
Jack Carnes (1896–1958)
aka: Samuel Jacob Carnes
Samuel Jacob (Jack) Carnes was the founder and owner of Camark Pott...
Ivan Denton (1927–2013)
Ivan Denton, a pioneering Ozark woodcarver specializing in wildlife and Western scenes, was one of the most pr...
Dryden Pottery
Dryden Pottery was founded in Kansas by A. James Dryden, who relocated his business to Hot Springs (Garland Co...
Eureka Springs Baby
aka: Eureka Baby
aka: Petrified Indian Baby
The 1880 discovery of a fossilized human child in Eureka Springs (C...
Rosemary Beryl Snook "Snooky" Fisher (1927–1983)
Rosemary Beryl Snook Fisher was an artist and pottery instructor for the Arkansas Arts Center (now the Arkansa...
Elsie Mari Bates Freund (1912–2001)
Elsie Mari Bates Freund was a studio art jeweler, watercolorist, and textile artist. In 1941, she and her husb...
Fulbright Industries
Fulbright Industries was a furniture manufacturing business in Fayetteville (Washington County) owned and oper...
Gibson Baskets
The history of the Gibson family of basket makers—which, as of 2009, has produced split white oak baskets fo...
Violet Brumley Hensley (1916–)
Known as the “Whittling Fiddler,” the “Stradivarius of the Ozarks,” or more simply, the “Fiddle Make...
Willie Kavanaugh Hocker (1862–1944)
Willie Kavanaugh Hocker of Wabbaseka and Pine Bluff, both in Jefferson County, was a schoolteacher, poet, and ...
George Raymond Hoelzeman (1963–)
George Raymond Hoelzeman is a liturgical artist who has gained national acclaim for his creation of church fur...
Charles Dean Hyten (1877–1944)
Charles Dean “Bullet” Hyten was a master potter and the originator of the famous Niloak Pottery. Although ...
Helen Martin King (1895–1988)
Helen Martin King was one of Arkansas’s most unique artists, developing the almost-forgotten craft of rug ho...
James Buel Lile (1933–1991)
James Buel “The Arkansas Knifesmith” Lile is one of the most accomplished and famous custom knife makers i...
Korto Momolu (1975–)
Korto (pronounced “cut-toe”) Momolu is an independent fashion designer and entrepreneur. Her designs featu...
Bill Moran Jr. (1925–2006)
aka: William F. Moran Jr.
William F. Moran Jr. was the father of both the American Bladesmith...
Native American Pottery
Indians in Arkansas began making pottery containers about 2,500 years ago, during the Woodland Period, and the...
Leon Albert Niehues (1951–)
Leon Albert Niehues is a highly regarded basket maker in the United States and internationally. In 2002, he wa...
Niloak Pottery
Niloak is a popular American Art Pottery that was created in Benton (Saline County) from 1909 until 1946 by th...
Helen Ann Evans Phillips (1938–2013)
Ceramist, sculptor, and teacher Helen Ann Evans Phillips played a major role in the development of contemporar...
Pottery has been produced in Arkansas from prehistoric times up to the present day. Of note are prehistoric Na...
Robes of Splendor
aka: Robes of the Three Villages
aka: Three Villages Robe
aka: Buffalo Dancers Robe
The “Robes of Splendor” are a pair of mid-eighteenth-century an...
Rosie Lee Tompkins (1936–2006)
aka: Effie Mae Martin Howard
Rosie Lee Tompkins was the assumed name of Effie Mae Howard, a wide...