
Amtrak, with a name derived from the words “America” and “track,” is a partially government-funded Ame...
Arkansas and Oklahoma Western Railroad
The Arkansas and Oklahoma Western Railroad (A&OW), based in Rogers (Benton County), was incorporated on Ju...
Arkansas Department of Transportation
The Arkansas Department of Transportation oversees the planning, maintenance, and policing of state roads and ...
Arkansas Highway 1
Stretching from the Missouri border in the north to McGehee (Desha County), Arkansas Highway 1 spans almost 16...
Arkansas Highway 57 Bridge
The Arkansas Highway 57 Bridge crosses railroad tracks in Stephens (Ouachita County). Constructed in 1928, the...
Arkansas Highway 7
Stretching almost the entirety of the state from south to north, Arkansas Highway 7 crosses eleven counties an...
Arkansas Highway Commission
In the early part of the twentieth century, Arkansas’s roads were not designed for the arrival of the automo...
Arkansas Highway Police
The Arkansas Highway Police is the oldest statewide law enforcement agency in Arkansas and serves as the law e...
Arkansas Railroad Museum
The Arkansas Railroad Museum in Pine Bluff (Jefferson County) grew out of an effort by the Cotton Belt Histori...
Arkansas Western Railroad
Beginning in 1896, the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad (later the Kansas City Southern) arrived in He...
Bauxite and Northern Railroad
The Bauxite and Northern Railroad (B&N) is a short, three-mile railway built in 1906 by a subsidiary of Al...
Roswell Beebe (1795–1856)
Roswell Beebe was the first benefactor of the city of Little Rock (Pulaski County); the town of Beebe (White C...
Ben Laney Bridge
The Ben Laney Bridge is located in Camden (Ouachita County). Spanning the Ouachita River, the bridge carries t...
Big Dam Bridge
The Big Dam Bridge, which opened to the public in 2006, is a walking, running, and bicycling bridge constructe...
Black River Bridge (Historic)
The Black River Bridge is the name given to a historic bridge spanning the Black River in Randolph County. Bui...
Blue Star Memorial Highways
Markers for Blue Star Memorial Highways, which honor members of the armed forces, are located along highways a...
Bobby Hopper Tunnel
Arkansas has seven railroad tunnels but only one highway tunnel. Named for the Arkansas Highway Commission dir...
Bridge Street Bridge
The Bridge Street Bridge is a multi-span reinforced-concrete deck girder bridge that spans the former St. Loui...
Broadway Bridge
The Broadway Bridge was originally constructed in 1923 as a vehicular structure and replaced in 2017; it is on...
Buffalo River Bridge
aka: Pruitt Bridge
Formerly located in Newton County north of Jasper (Newton County), ...
Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail
The Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail follows the route of the antebellum Butterfield Overland mail...
Butterfield's Overland Mail Company
aka: Overland Mail Company
Butterfield’s Overland Mail Company carried the first success...
Cairo and Fulton Railroad
Today’s Union Pacific Railroad line from the Missouri state line through Little Rock (Pulaski County) to Tex...
Camden to Washington Road, Rosston Segment
The Camden to Washington Road formerly connected the towns of Camden (Ouachita County) and Washington (Hempste...
Carrollton Road
The Carrollton Road was part of an east-west road that crossed northern Arkansas in the 1830s and is noteworth...
Cedar Creek Bridge
aka: Goodie Creek Bridge
The Cedar Creek Bridge, located on Independence County Road 235 whe...
Central Delta Depot Museum
The Central Delta Depot Museum in Brinkley (Monroe County) is an initiative of the Central Delta Historical So...
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad (commonly called the Rock Island) was an Illinois railroad that ...
Choctaw Freight Terminal
The Choctaw Freight Terminal served the Choctaw and Memphis Railroad Company (originally the Memphis and Littl...
Climber Motor Corporation
The automobile craze grew by leaps and bounds during the early twentieth century. A 1907 issue of Outing Magaz...
Combs, Cass and Eastern Railroad
The Combs, Cass and Eastern Railroad Company (CC&E) has several distinctions. It was the last railroad bui...
Coop Creek Bridge
The Coop Creek Bridge, located on Sebastian County Road 236 where it crosses Coop Creek near Mansfield (Sebast...