Institutions & Buildings

Abba House
Abba House was established by the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock in 1981 to offer a home to pregnant women an...
All Souls Church
All Souls Church at 4601 Walkers Corner Road in Scott (Pulaski and Lonoke counties) is a Gothic Revival–styl...
American Missionary Association
The American Missionary Association (AMA) was a nondenominational abolitionist society dedicated to providing ...
Arkadelphia Baptist Academy
The Arkadelphia Baptist Academy in Arkadelphia (Clark County) was one of many schools founded across the South...
Arkadelphia Presbyterian Academy
Arkadelphia Presbyterian Academy, located in Arkadelphia (Clark County), was a co-educational elementary and s...
Arkansas Baptist College
Arkansas Baptist College (ABC) in Little Rock (Pulaski County) is a four-year historically Black liberal arts ...
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
The Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) was organized at Brownsville, now Tulip (Dallas County), on Septe...
Arkansas Christadelphian Bible School
The Arkansas Christadelphian Bible School was founded in Martinville (Faulkner County) in 1923 as a two-week s...
Arkansas Holiness College
Arkansas Holiness College (AHC), founded in 1904, was the focus for a body of Wesleyan holiness believers who ...
Arkansas Methodist Medical Center
Arkansas Methodist Medical Center (AMMC) in Paragould (Greene County) provides healthcare for residents of nor...
Baptist Health
Baptist Health, Arkansas’s largest healthcare system, has hospital campuses in communities around Arkansas, ...
Brockwell Gospel Music School
The Brockwell Gospel Music School offers instruction in choral and instrumental musical techniques for those w...
Calico Rock Methodist Episcopal Church
aka: Calico Rock Music Hall
The Calico Rock Methodist Episcopal Church, located in Calico Rock ...
Camp Aldersgate
Camp Aldersgate in Little Rock (Pulaski County) is Arkansas’s only non-profit organization dedicated to serv...
Camp Magnolia
Camp Magnolia, also known as Civilian Public Service Camp No. 7, was the only World War II–era work camp in ...
Camp Mitchell
Camp Mitchell is an event and retreat center run by the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas. It is located on Petit ...
Camp Ozark
Camp Ozark, located six miles west of Mount Ida (Montgomery County), is a summer sports and adventure camp in ...
Carmelite Monastery of St. Teresa of Jesus
The Carmelite Monastery of St. Teresa of Jesus is the home of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Little Rock (Pul...
Carolina Methodist Church
The Carolina Methodist Church is located near Rosston (Nevada County). Constructed in 1871, the building and a...
Cathedral of St. Andrew
aka: St. Andrew's Catholic Cathedral
The Cathedral of St. Andrew is the oldest continuing place of worsh...
Catholic High School for Boys (CHS)
aka: Little Rock Catholic High School for Boys
Catholic High School for Boys (CHS) in Little Rock (Pulaski County)...
Centennial Baptist Church
The 1905 Gothic Revival Centennial Baptist Church, located at York and Columbia streets in Helena-West Helena ...
Central Baptist College
Central Baptist College in Conway (Faulkner County) is the only institution of higher education in the state a...
Christ Church Parochial and Industrial School
Christ Church Parochial and Industrial School was a private school for African-American children operated in F...
Christ of the Ozarks
Christ of the Ozarks is a statue located in Eureka Springs (Carroll County) on top of Magnetic Mountain. The w...
Clear Springs Tabernacle
The Clear Springs Tabernacle is an unenclosed brace-framed structure constructed in Clark County in 1887 to ho...
Colored Industrial Institute
The Colored Industrial Institute in Pine Bluff (Jefferson County) was one of the first Catholic-supported scho...
Ecclesia College
Ecclesia College describes itself as a Christian “work learning” college located in Springdale (Washington...
Elna M. Smith Foundation
aka: Five Sacred Projects
aka: Sacred Projects
The Elna M. Smith Foundation was created in 1965 by Gerald L. K. Sm...
Emmet United Methodist Church
The Emmet United Methodist Church is located at 209 Walnut Street in Emmet (Nevada and Hempstead counties). Th...
Episcopal Collegiate School
Episcopal Collegiate School is an independent college-preparatory school in the Episcopal tradition located on...
First Baptist Church (Little Rock)
aka: EMOBA
aka: Museum of Black Arkansans and Performing Arts Center
The historic building of First Baptist Church of Little Rock (Pulas...