State Organizations & Structures

Act 38 of 1971
Act 38 of 1971, which reorganized sixty state government agencies into thirteen cabinet-level departments, was...
Arkansas Constitutions
aka: Constitutions of Arkansas
State constitutions serve as the foundation for statutory laws, rul...
Arkansas Council of Defense
The Arkansas Council of Defense was the governor-appointed group tasked with coordinating propaganda and promo...
Arkansas Department of Agriculture (ADA)
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture (ADA) is an amalgam of various agriculture-related state agencies estab...
Arkansas Department of Commerce
As part of the large-scale reorganization of state government under Act 910 of 2019, the Arkansas Legislature ...
Arkansas Department of Corrections
The umbrella entity of the Arkansas Department of Corrections, created by Act 910 of 2019, is composed of over...
Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment (ADEE)
Established in 2019 as part of the Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019 (Act 910), the new umbrella age...
Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (ADFA)
The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (ADFA) oversees the collection of state taxes, the purch...
Arkansas Department of Health (ADH)
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) exercises supervision over all matters pertaining to the health of Ark...
Arkansas Department of Human Services (ADHS)
The Arkansas Department of Human Services (ADHS) is the largest of the state’s agencies. It performs and ove...
Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing (ADLL)
The Arkansas Department of Labor (ADL), which became the Arkansas Division of Labor in 2019, arose as part of ...
Arkansas Department of Public Safety (ADPS)
The Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM), which became part of the Arkansas Department of Public S...
Arkansas Department of the Inspector General
The Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019 (Act 910) elevated the existing office of Medicaid Inspector G...
Arkansas Department of Transformation and Shared Services
The Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019 (Act 910) merged the Office of Transformation with the former ...
Arkansas Department of Transportation
The Arkansas Department of Transportation oversees the planning, maintenance, and policing of state roads and ...
Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA)
The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) dates back to the post–World War I years and the need to ...
Arkansas Division of Aeronautics (ADA)
The Arkansas Division of Aeronautics (ADA) is responsible for regulating aviation in the state of Arkansas as ...
Arkansas Division of Career and Technical Education (ADCTE)
The Division of Career and Technical Education oversees vocational and technical education in the state. It wa...
Arkansas Division of Community Correction (ADCC)
The Arkansas Division of Community Correction (ADCC) oversees the state’s non-traditional correction program...
Arkansas Division of Higher Education
The Arkansas Division of Higher Education is responsible for the regulation of the state’s public two-year a...
Arkansas Division of Information Systems (DIS)
The former Arkansas Department of Information Systems (ADIS) provided information technology solutions for the...
Arkansas Division of Rural Services
What became the Arkansas Division of Rural Services under Act 910 of 2019 was created “to serve as a single ...
Arkansas Division of Workforce Services (ADWS)
The Arkansas Division of Workforce Services (ADWS) is the state agency responsible for providing job-related s...
Arkansas Ethics Commission
The Arkansas Ethics Commission is the appointed body that oversees the implementation and application of Arkan...
Arkansas Forestry Commission
The Arkansas Forestry Commission (AFC) was established by Act 234 of 1931 and amended by Act 48 of 1939. Its i...
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) manages wildlife and natural habitat and sets hunting, fishing, a...
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission State Fish Hatcheries
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission State Fish Hatcheries were built between 1928 and 1940 for spawning and ...
Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS)
The Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS), formerly the Arkansas Geological Commission (AGC), is a division of the ...
Arkansas Highway Commission
In the early part of the twentieth century, Arkansas’s roads were not designed for the arrival of the automo...
Arkansas Insurance Department (AID)
The purpose of the Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) is to protect the public interest by the equitable enfo...
Arkansas Legislative Council
aka: Legislative Council
The Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC) is arguably the most powerfu...
Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council
The Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council (ANCRC) was created by the Arkansas General Assembly in 1...