Historians & Historic Organizations

Antiquarian and Natural History Society of Arkansas
One of Arkansas’s first attempts to preserve its history was organized by a group of “gentlemen naturalist...
Arkansas Archeological Society
The Arkansas Archeological Society (AAS) is a statewide organization created for the purpose of uniting all pe...
Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., Arkansas’s only statewide genealogical organization, was organized ...
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP) is the state agency charged with preserving the buildings, s...
Arkansas Historical Association (AHA)
The Arkansas Historical Association (AHA) is dedicated to maintaining an active statewide historical group inv...
Arkansas Living History Association
The Arkansas Living History Association (ALHA) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to advanci...
Arkansas Museums Association
The Arkansas Museums Association (AMA) is an organization of museums and museum personnel dedicated to the pro...
Arkansas Pioneers Association
The Arkansas Pioneers Association is an organization devoted to projects and events regarding the history of A...
Arkansas Society, United States Daughters of 1812
The Arkansas State Society, United States Daughters of 1812 (often abbreviated as USD 1812) is affiliated with...
Arkansas State Archives
aka: Arkansas History Commission
The Arkansas State Archives (ASA), located in Little Rock (Pulaski ...
James Harris (J. H.) Atkinson (1888–1973)
James Harris (J. H.) Atkinson was an educator, author, and historian who, through his leadership in state and ...
Bernie Babcock (1868–1962)
aka: Julia Burnelle Smade Babcock
In 1903, Julia Burnelle (Bernie) Smade Babcock became the first Ark...
Bauxite Historical Association and Museum
The Bauxite Historical Association and Museum (BHAM) works to preserve the history and culture of the company-...
Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society
The Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society was founded on September 27, 1974, by a group of individ...
Edwin Cole (Ed) Bearss (1923–2020)
Edwin Cole Bearss was a public historian and preservationist who conducted some of the seminal research and wr...
Benton County Historical Society
The Benton County Historical Society (BCHS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting, publishing, an...
Carolyn Earle Billingsley (1948–2018)
Carolyn Earle Billingsley was a noted historian and author who worked to connect the fields of history, anthro...
Black History Commission of Arkansas
The Black History Commission of Arkansas (BHCA) was created as the Arkansas Black History Advisory Committee i...
Walter Lee Brown (1924–2014)
A Texan who helped shape the discipline of Arkansas history, Walter Lee Brown oversaw the daily operations of ...
Richard Colburn Butler III (1937–2020)
Richard Colburn Butler III was a noted historic preservationist who saved historic buildings in Little Rock (P...
Carroll County Historical and Genealogical Society
On September 6, 1955, a group of citizens consisting of Alice Baker Gentry, Ruth Trimble, Lois Stubbs, Cora Pi...
Civil War Roundtable of Arkansas (CWRTA)
Jerry Russell, Bill O’Donnell, and Cal Collier began the Civil War Roundtable of Arkansas (CWRTA) in March 1...
Clark County Historical Association
The Clark County Historical Association (CCHA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization since 1978, researches, pre...
Mayme Agnew Clayton (1923–2006)
A librarian, historian, and prolific collector of African American materials, Mayme Agnew Clayton spent much o...
Calvin Lawrence Collier (1923–2016)
Calvin L. Collier was a career U.S. Air Force officer who wrote several regimental histories of Arkansas Confe...
Daughters of the American Revolution
aka: Arkansas Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (ARDAR)
The Arkansas Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (A...
Desha County Historical Society
The Desha County Historical Society (DCHS) was founded in January 1969 at the county courthouse in Arkansas Ci...
Samuel Dorris Dickinson (1912–2007)
Samuel Dorris Dickinson was an archaeologist, historian, journalist, linguist, and college instructor. He was ...
Division of Arkansas Heritage
DAH was created in 1975 to preserve and promote Arkansas’s natural and cultural heritage as a source of prid...
Drew County Historical Society
The Drew County Historical Society owns and operates the Drew County Museum, the Drew County Archives, and the...
Clara Bertha Eno (1854–1951)
Clara Bertha Eno has been called Arkansas’s first lady of history. She devoted her life to researching and r...
Clayton Ponder (Clay) Farrar Jr. (1950–2021)
Clayton Ponder (Clay) Farrar Jr. was a longtime civic leader in Hot Springs (Garland County) as well as a resp...