Festivals & Events

Arkansas Apple Festival
The Arkansas Apple Festival in Lincoln (Washington County), held the first weekend of October, has been a feat...
Arkansas Cornbread Festival
The Arkansas Cornbread Festival, an annual celebration of Southern culinary heritage, was inaugurated in 2011...
Arkansas Derby
The Arkansas Derby is the most lucrative thoroughbred horse race in Arkansas, currently offering a “purse”...
Arkansas Folk Festival
The annual Arkansas Folk Festival takes place on the third weekend in April in Mountain View (Stone County). H...
Arkansas Goat Festival
The first Arkansas Goat Festival was held in Perryville (Perry County) on the first weekend in October in 2016...
Arkansas Rice Festival
The Arkansas Rice Festival, held during the second weekend of October in Weiner (Poinsett County), was founded...
Arkansas Scottish Festival
The Arkansas Scottish Festival is held every April on the campus of Lyon College in Batesville (Independence C...
Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre
The Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre (AST), Arkansas’s only professional Shakespeare theater company, was origin...
Arkansas State Fair and Livestock Show
aka: Arkansas State Fair
The Arkansas State Fair and Livestock Show (usually just called the...
Arkansas Territorial Centennial
In observance of the centennial anniversary of the creation of the Arkansas Territory, Governor Charles Hillma...
Bentonville Film Festival
The Bentonville Film Festival (BFF) is held annually in Bentonville (Benton County), with the main focus of th...
Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival
The Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival celebrates the pink tomato industry in southeastern Arkansas. Origina...
Cabotfest, an annual celebration hosted by the city of Cabot (Lonoke County), was first held in 1978 to commem...
Camden Daffodil Festival
The Camden Daffodil Festival originated from a move to raise money for the restoration of a historic building ...
Centennial Celebration
Arkansas’s centennial preparations launched early, expanded rapidly to a galaxy committee, descended into fi...
Delta Symposium
The Delta Symposium is an annual conference sponsored by the Department of English, Philosophy, and World Lang...
Dermott Crawfish Festival
The Dermott Crawfish Festival is one of the longest continuously running festivals in Arkansas. Every third we...
Emerson PurpleHull Pea Festival & World Championship Rotary Tiller Race
From 1990 to 2023, Emerson (Columbia County) hosted an annual gathering for fans of purple hull peas. The Purp...
Festivals and Parades
Arkansas hosts a variety of annual festivals, fairs, and parades throughout the year. Some of the more well-kn...
Fordyce on the Cotton Belt Festival
The small town of Fordyce (Dallas County) celebrates the railroad and its historical significance with the ann...
Gillett Coon Supper
In Arkansas, one of the most acknowledged, anticipated, and attended wild game dinners is the annual Gillett C...
Greek Food Festival
aka: International Greek Food Festival
The Greek Food Festival, which is organized by the Annunciation Gre...
Hope Watermelon Festival
Hope (Hempstead County) annually celebrates its claim as the home of the world’s largest watermelons with a ...
Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival (HSDFF)
Billing itself as the longest-running documentary film festival in North America, the internationally recogniz...
Hot Springs Music Festival
The Hot Springs Music Festival is a non-profit organization whose dual mission is, first, to provide exception...
John Huddleston Day
Since 1984, Crater of Diamonds State Park near Murfreesboro (Pike County) has been sponsoring John Huddleston ...
Johnny Cash Heritage Festival
The Johnny Cash Heritage Festival is an annual event held in Dyess (Mississippi County), the small town where...
Johnson County Peach Festival
The Johnson County Peach Festival arose from the area’s successful peach industry, which got its start in t...
Jonquil Festival
The Jonquil Festival takes place the third weekend of March each year at Historic Washington State Park in Was...
Juneteenth is a celebration held during the month of June in Arkansas and throughout the nation to commemorate...
King Biscuit Blues Festival
aka: Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival
The first weekend in October, the Mississippi River town of Helena-...
Lepanto Terrapin Derby
The Lepanto Terrapin Derby is a festival that has been held in Lepanto (Poinsett County) every year since 1930...