
When European explorers first came to Arkansas in the sixteenth century, they found the vast majority of the state covered by some type of forest or woodland. In general, the upland areas of the state were covered by short-leaf pine/oak/hickory forests in areas underlain by acidic rocks (primarily sandstone and chert) and by oak/hickory forests in areas underlain by neutral to calcareous rocks (primarily limestone and dolomite). Lowland areas of eastern and southern Arkansas were covered primarily by bottomland hardwood forests, with bald-cypress/water-tupelo swamps in the wettest areas. The Gulf Coastal Plain of southern Arkansas was covered by a mix of forest types, with loblolly and/or short-leaf pine dominant in many areas. Within these general forest types were hundreds of species of woody plants and at least 148 species of trees.

In 2016, a total of 436 kinds of woody plants were known to occur in the wild in Arkansas, comprising 419 species plus another seventeen varieties and subspecies. Of these, 185 can be considered trees, 189 are best described as shrubs, and sixty-two are woody vines. In some cases, it is difficult to draw a hard line between these categories, and various reference works differ in their criteria for each. For the purposes of these this entry, however, each category is defined as follows:

Trees are defined as perennial, woody plants that are greater than five meters (sixteen feet) in height at maturity; they often have a single stem or relatively few stems. Shrubs are defined as perennial, often multi-stemmed woody or semi-woody plants usually less than five meters (sixteen feet) in height at maturity. This includes the bamboo members of the grass family (which may be taller), yuccas, the highbush members of the genus Rubus (blackberries and raspberries), prickly-pear cacti, and dwarf palmettos. Woody vines are defined as perennial, woody or semi-woody twining, climbing, or trailing plants with relatively long stems. In some cases, these may not appear especially “woody” (e.g., the trailing or dewberry members of the genus Rubus and some greenbriers in the genus Smilax), but their stems do not die back to the ground in winter.

Of the 185 trees in Arkansas, thirty-five (18.9 percent) are not native to the state and were introduced either accidentally or intentionally from elsewhere in the world since the time of European settlement. Two others are of uncertain native status. Eighteen (9.7 percent) have been identified as state species of conservation concern by the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission. These species are rare in the state and may be at risk from loss of habitat, disease, or other factors. All of these are designated in the table below.

Arkansas is home to one tree that is thought to be endemic to Arkansas. Maple-leaf oak (Quercus acerifolia) is a small tree known from just four mountaintops in the Ouachita Mountains and Arkansas Valley, where it is confined to high-elevation dry woodlands.

The largest genera of trees in Arkansas are the oaks (Quercus; thirty-one kinds considered trees, twenty-nine of which are native), the maples (Acer; ten kinds, nine native), the hickories (Carya; ten species, all native), the plums and cherries (Prunus; eight species, six native), the hawthorns (Crataegus; seven kinds considered trees, all native), the elms (Ulmus; seven species, six native), the hollies (Ilex; six species considered trees, four native), the pines (Pinus; six species, two native and one of uncertain native status), the magnolias (Magnolia; five species, four native), and the ashes (Fraxinus; five species, all native).

Two species of native pine trees are widely distributed in Arkansas and are of great economic importance. Short-leaf pine (Pinus echinata) is a dominant species in large areas of the Interior Highlands (Ozark and Ouachita mountains) but is also widespread in the Gulf Coastal Plain. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) has been planted throughout the state but is considered native to the Gulf Coastal Plain, with a few rare pockets of natural occurrence in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and Ouachita Mountains. Several other species of pine have been occasionally planted in Arkansas but are not naturalized to any great extent.

Oaks are also of great importance, both ecologically and economically, in the forests of Arkansas. Thirty-two kinds of oaks are known to grow in the state, thirty-one of which are trees. The most common and widespread upland oak species in the state are white oak (Quercus alba), southern red oak (Q. falcata), blackjack oak (Q. marilandica), chinquapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii), northern red oak (Q. rubra), post oak (Q. stellata), and black oak (Q. velutina). Common lowland oaks include overcup oak (Q. lyrata), swamp chestnut oak or cow oak (Q. michauxii), water oak (Q. nigra), cherrybark oak (Q. pagoda), willow oak (Q. phellos), and Nuttall’s oak (Q. texana). Hickories are also common in most of Arkansas’s natural forests, with mockernut hickory (Carya alba), pignut hickory (Carya glabra), and black hickory (Carya texana) common on drier sites, while bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis), kingnut or shellbark hickory (Carya laciniosa), and shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) are more common in moist sites. Water hickory or bitter-pecan (Carya aquatica) occurs in the wettest bottomland hardwood forests.

Some native tree species are colonizers of human-disturbed sites such as abandoned pastures and crop fields, cutover forests, and roadsides. Common examples of these pioneer tree species in Arkansas include persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), honey locust (Gleditisa triacanthos), eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana), sweet-gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Osage-orange or bois d’arc (Maclura pomifera), black cherry (Prunus serotina), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), sassafras (Sassifras albidum), and winged elm (Ulmus alata). Other species are typically found along major streams and rivers where natural disturbance from flooding favors species that reproduce abundantly and grow quickly. Examples of such riverine species include box elder (Acer negundo), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), river birch (Betula nigra), sugarberry (Celtis laevigata), hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides), black willow (Salix nigra), and American elm (Ulmus americana). Swamps that are flooded for long durations are often dominated by water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) and/or bald-cypress (Taxodium distichum), both of which can withstand nearly permanent water once they are established.

Upland forests, while often dominated by pine, oak, and hickory, are also occupied by many other tree species. Other common species include red maple (Acer rubrum), red buckeye (Aesculus pavia), serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea), devil’s walkingstick (Aralia spinosa), redbud (Cercis canadensis), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), white ash (Fraxinus americana), black-gum (Nyssa sylvatica), hop-hornbeam or ironwood (Ostrya virginiana), Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and rusty blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum). In more moist or nutrient-rich sites, other hardwood species may be found, including sugar maple (Acer saccharum), Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra), pawpaw (Asimina triloba), beech (Fagus grandifolia), deciduous holly (Ilex decidua), American holly (Ilex opaca), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and basswood (Tilia americana).

Not all of the tree species found in Arkansas are native to the state. Several of these non-native trees are considered by botanists and ecologists to be invasive in Arkansas’s natural communities, capable of displacing native vegetation and altering habitat for native wildlife. Examples of non-native invasive trees in Arkansas include tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), silk-tree (Albizia julibrissin), Chinese holly (Ilex cornuta), Chinaberry (Melia azedarach), white mulberry (Morus alba), empress-tree or princess-tree (Paulownia tomentosa), white poplar (Populus alba), perfumed cherry (Prunus mahaleb), callery pear (Pyrus calleryana), and Chinese tallow-tree (Triadica sebifera).

Diverse forests with the full range of tree species typical of pre-settlement Arkansas have declined in the last century as parts of the state were largely cleared for agriculture, converted to single-species (primarily loblolly pine) plantation forestry, or developed. Some forest and woodland types are still widespread and abundant, but others have declined enough to be of conservation concern. Forest types that have experienced the greatest decline are those that are restricted to geographic regions where their geology, soils, climate, topography, and location have made them highly profitable for conversion to other uses. Examples of these forest types include the bottomland forests of eastern Arkansas, the oak barrens and glades of the igneous rock regions of Garland, Hot Spring, Saline, and Pulaski counties, the oak savannas of northwestern Arkansas and the Grand Prairie region, and, more recently, the pine flatwoods of the Gulf Coastal Plain.

Several Arkansas tree species have been dramatically reduced from their historical levels due to the introduction of diseases or pests from other regions of the world. The most well-known example is the decline of Arkansas’s two native chinquapins or chestnuts (Castanea pumila var. pumila and C. pumila var. ozarkensis) as a result of the chestnut blight, a fungal pathogen accidentally introduced from Asia in the early twentieth century. Other examples include the dramatic decline of butternut, or white walnut (Juglans cinerea), in recent decades from butternut canker disease, as well as the more modest decline of American elm (Ulmus americana) due to Dutch elm disease. Many ecologists and foresters are currently concerned about the recent detection in Arkansas of dogwood anthracnose (a fungal disease causing a decline in flowering dogwoods in the eastern United States) and the detection in 2014 in southern Arkansas of the emerald ash borer (an introduced insect that is killing all species of ash trees in the upper Midwest).

The following table presents an annotated list of the 185 trees known to occur in the wild in Arkansas as recorded by Gentry et al. (2013) and amended by the staff of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission with data gathered since 2013.

Annotations are as follows:

+ = state conservation concern (rare species)

* = non-native to Arkansas

*? = questionable or uncertain native status

Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family Family Common Name
Acer ginnala * Amur maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer negundo var. negundo box elder SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer negundo var. texanum box elder SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer rubrum var. drummondii swamp red maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer rubrum var. rubrum red maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer saccharinum silver maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer saccharum var. floridanum southern sugar maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer saccharum var. leucoderme + chalk maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer saccharum var. nigrum + black maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Acer saccharum var. saccharum sugar maple SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Aesculus glabra var. arguta Texas buckeye SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Aesculus glabra var. glabra Ohio buckeye SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Aesculus pavia var. pavia red buckeye SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Ailanthus altissima * tree-of-heaven, stink-tree SIMAROUBACEAE Quassia Family
Albizia julibrissin * mimosa, silk-tree FABACEAE Bean Family
Amelanchier arborea downy service-berry, shadbush ROSACEAE Rose Family
Aralia spinosa devil’s-walkingstick, Hercules’-club ARALIACEAE Ginseng Family
Asimina triloba pawpaw ANNONACEAE Custard-apple Family
Betula nigra river birch BETULACEAE Birch Family
Broussonetia papyrifera * paper-mulberry MORACEAE Mulberry Family
Carpinus caroliniana subsp. caroliniana musclewood, ironwood, American hornbeam BETULACEAE Birch Family
Carpinus caroliniana subsp. virginiana musclewood, ironwood, American hornbeam BETULACEAE Birch Family
Carya alba mockernut hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya aquatica water hickory, bitter-pecan JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya glabra pignut hickory, red hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya illinoinensis pecan JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya laciniosa shellbark hickory, kingnut hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya myristiciformis nutmeg hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya ovata var. ovata shagbark hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya pallida + pale hickory, sand hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Carya texana black hickory JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Castanea mollissima * Chinese chestnut FAGACEAE Beech Family
Castanea pumila var. ozarkensis Ozark chinquapin FAGACEAE Beech Family
Castanea pumila var. pumila Allegheny chinquapin FAGACEAE Beech Family
Catalpa bignonioides * southern catalpa BIGNONIACEAE Trumpet-creeper Family
Catalpa speciosa northern catalpa BIGNONIACEAE Trumpet-creeper Family
Celtis laevigata sugarberry CANNABACEAE Hemp Family
Celtis occidentalis hackberry CANNABACEAE Hemp Family
Celtis tenuifolia dwarf hackberry CANNABACEAE Hemp Family
Cercis canadensis var. canadensis eastern redbud FABACEAE Bean Family
Cladrastis kentukea yellow-wood FABACEAE Bean Family
Cornus alternifolia alternate-leaf dogwood CORNACEAE Dogwood Family
Cornus florida flowering dogwood CORNACEAE Dogwood Family
Cotinus obovatus American smoke-tree ANACARDIACEAE Sumac Family
Crataegus brachyacantha + blueberry hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus opaca mayhaw, apple haw ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus phaenopyrum + Washington hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus reverchonii var. palmeri + Palmer’s hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus reverchonii var. reverchonii + Reverchon’s hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus spathulata pasture hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Crataegus viridis green hawthorn ROSACEAE Rose Family
Diospyros virginiana persimmon EBENACEAE Ebony Family
Fagus grandifolia beech FAGACEAE Beech Family
Firmiana simplex * Chinese parasol-tree MALVACEAE Mallow Family
Forestiera acuminata swamp-privet OLEACEAE Olive Family
Frangula caroliniana Carolina buckthorn, Indian-cherry RHAMNACEAE Buckthorn Family
Fraxinus americana white ash OLEACEAE Olive Family
Fraxinus caroliniana Carolina ash, water ash OLEACEAE Olive Family
Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash OLEACEAE Olive Family
Fraxinus profunda pumpkin ash OLEACEAE Olive Family
Fraxinus quadrangulata blue ash OLEACEAE Olive Family
Gleditsia aquatica water locust FABACEAE Bean Family
Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust FABACEAE Bean Family
Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky coffee-tree FABACEAE Bean Family
Halesia carolina silverbell, Carolina silverbell STYRACACEAE Storax Family
Halesia diptera + two-wing silverbell, snowdrop STYRACACEAE Storax Family
Hibiscus syriacus * rose-of-Sharon MALVACEAE Mallow Family
Ilex aquifolium * English holly AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Ilex cornuta * Chinese holly AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Ilex decidua deciduous holly, possumhaw AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Ilex longipes + Georgia holly AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Ilex opaca var. opaca American holly AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Ilex vomitoria yaupon AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family
Juglans cinerea + butternut, white walnut JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Juglans nigra black walnut JUGLANDACEAE Walnut Family
Juniperus ashei Ashe’s juniper, rock-cedar, Ozark white-cedar CUPRESSACEAE Cypress Family
Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana eastern red-cedar, cedar CUPRESSACEAE Cypress Family
Koelreuteria bipinnata * Chinese flame-tree, golden-rain-tree SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Koelreuteria paniculata * golden-rain-tree SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Lagerstroemia indica * crape-myrtle LYTHRACEAE Loosestrife Family
Liquidambar styraciflua sweet-gum ALTINGIACEAE Sweet-gum Family
Liriodendron tulipifera tulip-tree, tulip-poplar, yellow-poplar MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Maclura pomifera Osage-orange, hedge-apple, bois d’arc MORACEAE Mulberry Family
Magnolia acuminata cucumber magnolia, cucumber-tree MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Magnolia grandiflora * southern magnolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Magnolia macrophylla + big-leaf magnolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Magnolia tripetala umbrella magnolia, umbrella-tree MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Magnolia virginiana sweet-bay magnolia MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia Family
Malus angustifolia southern crabapple, wild crabapple ROSACEAE Rose Family
Malus ioensis prairie crabapple ROSACEAE Rose Family
Malus pumila * apple ROSACEAE Rose Family
Manihot grahamii * Graham’s cassava EUPHORBIACEAE Spurge Family
Melia azedarach * Chinaberry MELIACEAE Mahogany Family
Morus alba * white mulberry MORACEAE Mulberry Family
Morus rubra red mulberry MORACEAE Mulberry Family
Nyssa aquatica tupelo, water tupelo NYSSACEAE Tupelo Family
Nyssa biflora swamp black-gum, swamp tupelo NYSSACEAE Tupelo Family
Nyssa sylvatica black-gum NYSSACEAE Tupelo Family
Ostrya virginiana hop-hornbeam, ironwood BETULACEAE Birch Family
Paulownia tomentosa * princess-tree, empress-tree PAULOWNIACEAE Princess-tree Family
Persea borbonia + red bay LAURACEAE Laurel Family
Pinus echinata short-leaf pine, yellow pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Pinus glabra *? spruce pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Pinus palustris * long-leaf pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Pinus strobus * eastern white pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Pinus taeda loblolly pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Pinus virginiana * Virginia pine PINACEAE Pine Family
Planera aquatica water-elm, planer-tree ULMACEAE Elm Family
Platanus occidentalis sycamore, plane-tree PLATANACEAE Sycamore Family
Populus alba * white poplar, silver poplar SALICACEAE Willow Family
Populus deltoides subsp. deltoides eastern cottonwood SALICACEAE Willow Family
Populus heterophylla swamp cottonwood SALICACEAE Willow Family
Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa * mesquite, honey mesquite FABACEAE Bean Family
Prunus caroliniana Carolina laurel cherry ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus hortulana hortulan plum ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus mahaleb * perfumed cherry ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus mexicana bigtree plum, Mexican plum ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus munsoniana wild goose plum ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus persica * peach ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus serotina black cherry ROSACEAE Rose Family
Prunus umbellata sloe plum, flatwoods plum, hog plum ROSACEAE Rose Family
Pyrus calleryana * Callery pear, Bradford pear ROSACEAE Rose Family
Pyrus communis * pear ROSACEAE Rose Family
Quercus acerifolia + maple-leaf oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus acutissima * sawtooth oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus alba white oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus arkansana Arkansas oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus austrina + bluff oak, bastard white oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus coccinea scarlet oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus falcata southern red oak, Spanish oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus hemisphaerica + Darlington’s oak, laurel oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus imbricaria shingle oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus incana bluejack oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus laurifolia laurel oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus lyrata overcup oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus macrocarpa bur oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus margaretta sand post oak, Margaretta’s oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus marilandica var. ashei blackjack oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus marilandica var. marilandica blackjack oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak, basket oak, cow oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus muehlenbergii chinquapin oak, chestnut oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus nigra water oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus palustris pin oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus phellos willow oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus rubra northern red oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus shumardii var. schneckii Schneck’s oak, spotted oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus shumardii var. shumardii Shumard’s oak, spotted oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus similis delta post oak, swamp post oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus sinuata + Durand’s white oak, bastard oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus stellata post oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus texana Nuttall’s oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus velutina black oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Quercus virginiana * live oak FAGACEAE Beech Family
Rhamnus lanceolata lance-leaf buckthorn RHAMNACEAE Buckthorn Family
Robinia pseudoacacia black locust FABACEAE Bean Family
Robinia viscosa var. hartwigii *? clammy locust FABACEAE Bean Family
Salix alba * white willow SALICACEAE Willow Family
Salix babylonica * weeping willow SALICACEAE Willow Family
Salix interior sandbar willow SALICACEAE Willow Family
Salix nigra black willow SALICACEAE Willow Family
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii soapberry SAPINDACEAE Soapberry Family
Sassafras albidum sassafras LAURACEAE Laurel Family
Sideroxylon lanuginosum gum bumelia, chittamwood SAPOTACEAE Sapodilla Family
Sideroxylon lycioides buckthorn bumelia SAPOTACEAE Sapodilla Family
Styphnolobium affine + Eve’s necklace, Texas sophora FABACEAE Bean Family
Symplocos tinctoria sweetleaf, horsesugar SYMPLOCACEAE Sweetleaf Family
Taxodium distichum var. distichum bald-cypress, cypress CUPRESSACEAE Cypress Family
Tilia americana var. americana American basswood, linden MALVACEAE Mallow Family
Tilia americana var. caroliniana basswood, linden MALVACEAE Mallow Family
Tilia americana var. heterophylla white basswood, linden MALVACEAE Mallow Family
Triadica sebifera * Chinese tallow-tree, popcorn-tree EUPHORBIACEAE Spurge Family
Ulmus alata winged elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus americana American elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus crassifolia cedar elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus pumila * Siberian elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus rubra slippery elm, red elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus serotina September elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Ulmus thomasii + rock elm ULMACEAE Elm Family
Vernicia fordii * tung-oil-tree EUPHORBIACEAE Spurge Family
Viburnum prunifolium blackhaw ADOXACEAE Arrow-wood Family
Viburnum rufidulum rusty blackhaw, southern blackhaw ADOXACEAE Arrow-wood Family
Zanthoxylum americanum prickly-ash, toothache-tree RUTACEAE Rue Family
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis toothache-tree, Hercules’-club, prickly-ash RUTACEAE Rue Family

For additional information:

Arkansas Landscape Tree Identification, University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.  (accessed September 22, 2022).

Bragg, Don C. “Eulogy for a Sylvan Sentinel: The Morris Pine of Ashley County.” Arkansas Historical Quarterly 79 (Summer 2020): 142–152.

Gentry, Johnnie L., George P. Johnson, Brent T. Baker, C. Theo Witsell, and Jennifer D. Ogle., eds. Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Arkansas. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Herbarium, 2013.

Hunter, Carl G. Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of Arkansas. Little Rock: Ozark Society Foundation, 2004.

Moore, Dwight. Trees of Arkansas. Rev. ed. Arkansas Forestry Commission, 2014.

Ogle, Jennifer, Theo Witsell, and Johnnie Gentry. Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of Arkansas. Little Rock: Ozark Society Foundation, 2021.

Smith, Edwin B. Keys to the Flora of Arkansas. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1994.

Smith, Kenneth L. Sawmill: The Story of the Cutting of the Last Great Virgin Forest East of the Rockies. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1986.

Tucker, Gary Edward. “A Guide to the Woody Flora of Arkansas.” PhD diss., University of Arkansas, 1976.

Theo Witsell
Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission


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